Engaging Las Vegas Citizens in Conservation and Restoration

The Nature Conservancy is devoted to using science to make informed decisions about freshwater policy, protection, and restoration in Nevada. This is to guarantee that there is enough water for everyone. For Las Vegas to keep striving for deeper conservation, it is essential to listen to all groups and involve individual participation. Conserved water can serve as a source of new supply as more people move to the Las Vegas Valley.

The city plays a critical role in conserving and managing the water supply for its residents and businesses by supporting the regional management efforts of the Southern Nevada Water Authority. Limiting new pool sizes is one way to prevent the proliferation of large-scale residential pools that consume a lot of water. Evaporative cooling systems also consume a lot of water, representing the second highest water consumption in Southern Nevada. To address this, the Las Vegas Nevada Wash Coordination Committee was established to restore and improve riverine areas and ecological resources within Las Vegas Wash. The city works closely with the Southern Nevada Regional Transportation Commission to plan, build, and maintain transportation networks in the region, including complete streets that allow for multiple modes of transportation. The Conservation Assessment and Prioritization System (CAPS) is a computer software program designed to assess the ecological integrity and value of biodiversity at each location in Massachusetts based on natural models specific to communities. Golf courses in Southern Nevada consume about 725 acre-feet of water each year, mostly used to irrigate fairways and greens.

The Hampton Roads Planning District Commission developed a green infrastructure plan for use by local and regional planners to ensure that high-priority conservation lands are protected in a multipurpose network. With no end in sight to the drought, achieving further reductions in water use has become increasingly important for the Las Vegas community. To address this, a ban was added to the Las Vegas Valley Water District Service Rules after being approved by the Water District Board of Directors. The citizens of Las Vegas have an important role to play when it comes to conservation and restoration efforts. By engaging with local organizations such as The Nature Conservancy, Southern Nevada Water Authority, Southern Nevada Regional Transportation Commission, Hampton Roads Planning District Commission, and Las Vegas Valley Water District Service Rules, citizens can help ensure that there is enough water for everyone.

Limiting pool sizes and evaporative cooling systems are two ways that citizens can help conserve water. Additionally, citizens can support green infrastructure plans that protect high-priority conservation lands. By working together with local organizations, citizens can help make sure that Las Vegas has enough water for everyone now and in the future. This will help ensure that Las Vegas continues to thrive as more people move into the area.

Harriet Fabros
Harriet Fabros

Total music enthusiast. General web maven. Incurable social media enthusiast. Evil reader. Evil food fanatic. Friendly travel practitioner.